Shippabo Blog

Optimize Your Supply Chain With Our Free eBook

Written by Shippabo | Sep 14,2017

‘Peace of mind’ is often a foreign concept in shipping. There are just too many ‘ifs, ands, and buts’ to account for across the supply chain to ensure smoothly achieving on time and in-full deliveries (OTIF). Even the U.S.’s largest corporations struggle to achieve OTIF: Wal-Mart’s top 75 suppliers have had OTIF scores as low as 10%, and none have reached Wal-Mart’s OTIF target of 95%.

But a seamless supply chain directly helps your business prosper: 79% of companies with high-performing supply chains achieve revenue growth greater than the average within their industries.

So, how can you improve your supply chain in order to improve your business? We've crafted an eBook that walks through ocean shipping best practices to help you get started — and achieve that elusive peace of mind.


Here at Shippabo, we believe supply chains thrive when operating with transparency, clarity, and simplicity in mind. This eBook's best practices follow the same principles. Download it to learn:

  • Critical elements of a successful supply chain
  • Eight tips for optimizing your supply chain
  • Answers to common FAQs

You can download a free copy of Ocean Shipping Best Practices here.