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Jun 07, 2019

Requirements for Importing Baby Formula to the U.S.

Baby Formula

Correctly importing baby formula to the U.S.

To import baby formula, you’ll encounter formula labeling guidelines and more general regulations for any imports of food products. 

Importing Baby Formula

There aren’t restrictions on importing baby formula specifically, but the FDA does have labeling guidelines for importers to follow. 

For instance, all ingredients need to be listed on the formula label before they’re imported. And the formula must be marked with the country of origin before it’s imported. 

Importing Any Food Products

Commercial imports of food products require a filing of “Prior Notice” to the FDA. The importer must also be registered with the FDA before their goods will be allowed into the U.S.  

Remember, this is only for commercial goods. Food accompanying a traveler into the U.S. or sent by an individual to someone in the U.S. are not required to follow these rules. 

You can learn more about the procedures and requirements for importing food products here on the FDA site or by calling (888) 723-3366. 


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